
MolKet offers management consulting and AI services for:

  • quantum molecular dynamics,
  • cryptography,
  • neuromorphic-based computing
with cloud-based hybrid HPC & quantum computing platforms.

The company also offers consulting services for training AI on datasets from fields such as chemistry, biology, materials science, and cosmology. These services are supported by physics-based kernels (e.g., quantum-mechanical kernels), enabling the development of advanced machine learning algorithms with significant predictive power.

YouTube Video Embed

MolKet harnesses the power of quantum intelligence to revolutionize simulations in chemistry and physics. Our AI agents, trained on intricate Hamiltonian derivations, predict the behavior of complex systems, significantly accelerating research and discovery. Dr. Taha Selim proposes that algorithm design tailored to the physics of a problem cultivates what he terms 'quantum intelligence,' driving complex simulations. He explores how models can learn and derive the Hamiltonian from data, and crucially, predict Hamiltonians for larger or specified systems by leveraging knowledge gained from smaller, known systems. Dr. Selim also addresses the limitations of the universal function approximator concept and highlights the promise of physics-inspired kernels in advancing AI applications.

Alain Chancé and Dr. Taha Selim propose leveraging AI agents to accelerate chemical design and quantum dynamical simulations. These AI agents can be trained on the inputs and outputs of quantum chemistry and dynamics algorithms, effectively replacing computationally expensive components. Moreover, they can learn the scaling behavior of these algorithms, enabling extrapolation to larger systems. Their recent proof-of-concept demonstrates the potential of this approach. They successfully developed an AI agent to generate vibrational wavefunctions of small molecules such as CO₂, using only frequency and potential parameters as input, thus bypassing the need for computationally intensive variational algorithms. This work highlights the promising synergy between quantum computing and AI in advancing the field of quantum dynamical simulation.

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Our Complementary Services

Alongside the cloud services, we can help you in the following

Designing algorithms for quantum molecular dynamics

Adapt your application using HPC/QC

Training, consultancy, and knowledge transfer

We provide fast and accurate molecular design simulations assisted by AI, performed and automated by hybrid quantum computing + HPC

Chemistry simulations are time consuming and complicated to prepare. Our goal is to make the design process easier and fast. We use AI to train general Hamiltonians for chemistry simulations that can be executed efficiently on HPC, quantum, computers, and on simulations of quantum computers.


We provide highly engineered, standard process for quantum chemistry simulations over MolKet Studio

How Does It Work?

Our Development Model

We can help you by providing what you need from built-in libraries that help you in your execution.


Molket Founders

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Dr. Taha Selim

Directeur Général - General Manager
Lecturer/Researcher (QC Education Officer), Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
MVP Founder Member QSECDEF
PhD Quantum Theoretical & Computational Chemistry
M.Sc. of Quantum physics, Lasers, & Materials.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tiselim/

Co-speaker lightning talk Simulating quantum molecular dynamics with Julia at JuliaCon 2024
Speaker, Carbon dioxide (CO2) as a quantum molecular sensor in protoplanetary disks, at APS March Meeting 2024

Podcasts and videos
Quantum AI Podcast, Quantum AI for Chemistry Simulations, June 2024

Carbon dioxide (CO2) as a quantum molecular sensor in protoplanetary disks, at APS March Meeting 2024
State-to-state rovibrational transition rates for CO2 in the bend mode in collisions with He atoms, Taha Selim, Ad van der Avoird, and Gerrit C. Groenenboom, J. Chem. Phys., 159, 164310 (2023)
Efficient computational methods for rovibrational transition rates in molecular collisions, Taha Selim, Ad van der Avoird, and Gerrit C. Groenenboom, J. Chem. Phys., 157, 064105 (2022)
Multi-channel distorted-wave Born approximation for rovibrational transition rates in molecular collisions , Taha Selim, Arthur Christianen, Ad van der Avoird, and Gerrit C. Groenenboom J. Chem. Phys., 155, 034105 (2021)

Certificates and Badges
IBM Quantum Challenge: Spring 2023 Achievement, Badge
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Alain Chancé

Président - President
Principal consultant with 30+ years experience in major management consulting firms
MVP Founder Member QSECDEF
IEEE Senior Member
Society affiliate American Chemical Society (ACS)
Member American Physical Society (APS)
Qiskit Advocate & IBM Certified Associate Developer
Master’s Degree in Science and Executive Engineering MINES Saint-Etienne, France (1981)
Advisory Board Committee (ABC) member of the North America Technical Institute (NATI) in Virginia, USA
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alainchance/

Co-speaker lightning talk Simulating quantum molecular dynamics with Julia at JuliaCon 2024
Keynote co-speaker "Combining the power of AI with Quantum" at the World Artificial Intelligence Cannes Festival (WAICF), Cannes, France, Feb. 9, 2024.
Speaker Quantum Permutation Pad with Qiskit Runtime, ICCCAS in Singapore May 5-7, 2023
Speaker My Quantum Computing Journey + My book at the Girls in quantum seminar on October 15, 2022
Speaker Simulating Interferometric sensing of quantum superposition, CIT QH 2022

Podcasts and videos
Quantum AI Podcast, Quantum AI for Chemistry Simulations, June 2024

QPP-Alain, repository of the conference paper Quantum Permutation Pad with Qiskit Runtime
Chancé, A. (2024). Quantum Permutation Pad with Qiskit Runtime In: Femmam, S., Lorenz, P. (eds) Recent Advances in Communication Networks and Embedded Systems. ICCNT 2022. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 205. Springer, Cham.
Quantum Chemistry and Computing for the Curious: Illustrated with Python and Qiskit® code, Keeper L. Sharkey, Alain Chancé, Packt (2022)

Certificates and Badges
Introduction to HTML, CSS, & JavaScript, IBM, Course certificate , Badge
Developing AI Applications with Python and Flask, IBM, Course certificate , Badge
Generative AI: Prompt Engineering, IBM, Course certificate , Badge
Python for Data Science, AI & Development, IBM, Course certificate , Badge
Generative AI: Introduction and Applications, IBM, Course certificate , Badge
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI), IBM, Course certificate , Badge
Our Location

• MOLKET SAS, 38, rue des Mathurins, 75008, Paris, France

How Can We Help?



• Phone number: 00 33 1 42 65 28 27